Thursday, October 16, 2008

Icon Doll

Thought I'd post a picture of my Icon Doll. Chaska had this great online class on icon dolls and this is what I finally came up with even if it's a bit out there, but then I'm a bit out there! Her name is "Malina y El Cacahuate." I just love her and now have her in my living room, placed on my Mexican chicken cage; she really lites up the room with all that colour. I'm planning on making another one for my sister for Christmas, but first have to get her reaction when she comes for a visit next month. She just moved into a her new house and I don't know what direction she's going to take with her decor. She is keeping her same furniture, so this would match her set, but who knows.

Today is a free day with nothing happening except doing some work in the studio. I'm hoping to complete a couple of bracelets for my nieces for Christmas. They'll be coming for Thanksgiving so I want to just hand over the gifts rather than ship. I'm working with Shrinky Dink and it's a whole new experience for me. I've never used the stuff, so I'm doing some experimenting. I have some great Dia de los Muertos rubber stamps and will be having fun with those today on the shrink plastic.

I started Jenny Craig on Monday and my life sucks!!! I just couldn't lose the poundage on my own and I had to take drastic action. My sister's on the Dr. Siegel cookie diet, my daughter is on some weird New Age thing (told her if she was going to have to go through colonic cleansing to at least tell them to buy her dinner!!!) and I'm doing the "spend mucho $$ on Lean Cuisines. Actually, I was on Jenny Craig back in '92-93 and it worked. I was able to keep the weight off until menopause, then the waistline, became a wasteland. No one asks me when the blessed one is due because I'm a bit mature looking for that, so it's just surmised I'm FAT!! Well, I'm back on it and hope this will be it for me.

Have you seen the fat broad section at the department stores???? OMG, the clothes are just like the skinny clothes except there's much more fabric in the making. Because of my wide hips, I was always taught never to wear horizontal lines.....EVER!!! But there they are and short skirts...mirrors, ladies, mirrors!!!!

Well, I'm off to have my Jenny blueberry muffin with 1/2 a fruit and an 8oz. glass of milk....bona ape tit!!!

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