The pin cushion is my donation to the Pink Artists for breast cancer. I have friends who have suffered from this terrible disease and luckily still here to talk about it. I call it "Boobie Pins."
One in particular, my ol' friend from our kid's grammar school days, Sharon, was the toughest crossing guard in the world. She was a royal bitch with a heart, though!! Loved her southern ways. Anyway, our two kids were in the same class and since I was the room mother (yes, I was a room mother for many years, so don't act all surprised) we got to know each other. She came to me one day and told me she had discovered a lump, so the nightmare began for her. She had her breast removed and talked about how lopsided she felt! She talked a lot about how she felt and it made most people uncomfortable, but not me, I just let her talk away....was her only source of therapy!!! The crown and glory of this story was one day we were hosting a bookfaire for our school and Sharon and I had volunteered to help out. As we were switching the books for the next classification, she yelled out to me and told me to think fast...she threw her prostheses at me!!!!!!!!! Before I could throw it back at her, the next group, 3rd graders, came in to shop, so what did I do, I stuck the damn thing in my bra and there I was, talking to some very curious 3rd graders looking at my uniboobs!! Needless to say, Sharon and I never laughed so hard after that class left, leaving a group of very shocked volunteers!!!!
So I honour you, Sharon, Sylvia, Elizabeth, Constance, Clara, Sophie, Brenda, Janice and Carol for your bravery, which you didn't ask for, and candor about your disease...live on sistas!! Peace out.