I would like to introduce you to "Frau Honkerbooger" from the land of Athena Workman's mind!!
Athena and I were paired up on Zan Ashas Monster Doll Swap and as usual, we had a blast. You can find more of Athena's work at her blog, which has other information as to where you can find her work, at
athenaworkman.blogspot.com. Also, I strongly urge you to go to Zan's blog to see the rest of the wonderful talent that's on parade from the swap...there's some really funny stuff there,
Now here was my offering for Athena...pretty messed up, huh??? Well, she was something that scared me as a child and that's what this swap was about...something from your childhood. When I was a kid, I remember going to the theatre downtown with my sister and her friends to see , "Darby O'Gill and the Little People." I recall it had a very young Sean Connery in it, but that wasn't the scary part, there was this banshee who was after people. She would come out in the cold of night and try to swoop down and take as many souls as she could. After that, I could have sworn that banshee lived in my room...ready to get me at night, but as long as I wore my trusty scapula I was free from danger. I used to wake up in the middle of the night with that thing almost choking me, but hey, kept that banshee away, so it was either the scapula or the banshee that would get my young little soul!!!

Here she is in all her glory. Athena has been quite nice to actually display her in her home....I'd hide the damn thing!!! Anyway, thank you Zan for such a fun exchange, and thank you Athena for not thinking I hate you!!! LOL But that banshee scared the crap out of me. From what I hear, the banshee is behaving herself over at Athena's. As for Frau Honkerbooger she will also be displayed in my living room, next to all the other dolls I've either decided to keep for myself and the ones I've purchased from other talents. Peace out.
Hi Georgina. I think it is a great doll. It is a scary one too. Great work! I hope you are having a great start to your week. It's a little cold over here. Have a great evening.
Ah, but you are not Irish, therefore the banshee cannot harm ye!
I, however, have a good dose of Irish in me....so maybe it is a good thing she is down in your neck of the woods!
And I do so remember that movie!
Neat creations; sounds like it was a lot of FUN!!!
Hi Georgina,
I can tell you are feeling better:)
I love your new addition to your doll collection,"Frau Honkerbooger!
And your Banshee is wonderfully done and very spooky!
Zan's swaps are so much fun. YAY!
Have a great week,
that IS a scary story...especially for a little girl! you poor thing:):) what a fun swap though and i think you and your partner did a most spooktacular job!!
happy, happy week to you! glad you are feeling better. xox...jenn
heh heh - great post - and awesome banshee!
They are brilliant!!
OOo, I love both of them. I think yours is a bit scarier though.
Take Care,
Tracy M.
Very cool (and creepy)...
I understand about the "banshee", for me it was the nanny from "The Omen" (the one with Gregory Peck)
Hehehehe!! You are just to cute!! Again, charming as ever. How are you dear? Seems you are doing better!! YEAH!
Thanks for stopping by! I doing a lot of work. I have a gallery show in Dec and surgery as well. So I'm a bit overwhelmed with stuff. But always with a smile. The monster swap is brilliant love her!!!!!!!! Georgina un gran besote para ti! I'm still up and I should go to bed but all my creative juices are flowing in my head so I'm doing sketches while everyone is in bed sleeping my cat my pup my hubby all sound asleep!! It's so quiet!! I like very much the silence. Well good night my friend and again thank you for those inspiring comments.
love for you from CT
Fantastic! Both of them!!! Lucky you for getting that little monster. Off to visit your friend.
**blows kisses** Deb
Popping in to say a belated hello.
Chris :-)
Great dolls Georgina!! I was wondering where you had been??
you've been busy busy busy too...
Hi Georgina! Oh, man, I love BOTH of them. Yours scares me witless, and Athena's just cracks me up. What a pair you two are! LOL! Sounds like a grand time, and you both got fabulous pieces. :) xoxo Pam
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