Well, I thought it was time to sit myself down add a post to my forgotten blog. When my computer broke last month, I got out of the habit of going online...even emails have gone unread. My life really doesn't require earth-shattering, important emails anyway, if it's that important, call me!!
Some of you know I've been down with some awful bug and it looks like it really wants to stick around a bit longer....house guest, fish and bugs...all have much in common! After 3 visits to the doc and multiple series of antibiotics, for the upper respiratory infection which was an added pleasure (insert sarcasm here), nebulizor breathing treatments, steroids, etc., etc., etc., ya think I'd see some light at the end of the tunnel...NOPE...it's still hanging around. Thursday morning I woke up and felt like a million bucks. I was happy to report that the 2nd round of antibiotics were kicking in and I felt great. I spent a wonderful morning talking, laughing or rather, gafawing (spell check is clueless on this one), with my dear buddy, Anne. I felt pretty good after our usual marathon phone call and went into the studio and was ready for some work. I'm having a tutu made for my little Zoe and I bought a onsie last month that will match it. I also had purchased a blingy little skull and cross bones decal for it, but I had forgotten what I had done with the original one since I had purchased it back when she was still baking in the oven, so I bought another one. Well, for the life of me, I couldn't find that one either...OY!! I spent about an hour and a half looking for that bag, moving bins, throwing up dust, cursing, when I finally found it on top of another bin that had been placed there by our cleaning lady...I know my studio drives her bonkers, but it's off limits to her...my mess and I know where everything is. After all of that, I was short of breath, loss of energy and I still hadn't put dinner together. By the end of the evening I was beat up and went to bed quite early. I slept till 8:30 yesterday, something I don't do unless I'm sick...ok, then, first hint!! I had to go to the local store to pick up some fresh veggies and fruits on sale and the entire trip took me about 15 mins. I came home put it away and then collapse on the couch and there I stayed till I went to bed again early last night.
Today, I'm feeling pretty good, but I don't intend on perusing any kind of activity that may put me down again. Ok, maybe a little look-see in the studio...damn, I'm so bored!! Anyway, I have to resolve to gaining my health back because I'm leaving in two weeks for Austin. Yep, I'm Austin bound again and will be visiting my grandchildren. I'll also be able to hold my little Zoe girl for the first time. Isn't she just precious???

This was taken on Easter Sunday. She has inherited her mother's crazy, birdie hair, as I called it, which means she'll develop a gorgeous head of hair someday...nothing like the ol' Meema!! I can't wait to pick her up and hold her sweetness. Now do I sound like a gushing, doting grandmother...ya damn right!! LOL I'm also looking forward to getting acquainted with my little Sammy guy, who is now 2 and of course, the other members of the Penis Posse..they crack me up.
Before I took a spill into the bronchitis vortex, the week prior to that, the hubster and I decided to take a short weekend trip up to Albuquerque, NM. I love that city and it has so many interesting places to visit. We decided not to go up the road to Fanta Se (Santa Fe) since it would eat into our time, besides, there's just so many galleries and snobs one can stand in one day!! That Friday evening, we dined at one of our favorite restaurants, Scalos, for some delicious Northern Italian cuisine. We hadn't been there in some years, but I must say, the quality of the food has declined a bit, as has the menu, but I was looking forward to the best Tirimisu I had ever had. Again, a big disappointment! Oh well, I guess you really can never go back again, and we probably won't. The next day, we met with one of my oldest Yahoo/Blogger buddies ever, the lovely Linda Wildenstein, who you can find at http://lindaomasoldebaggsnstuftshirts.blogspot.com/. We met at this great little eatery for breakfast and from the moment we met, we didn't skip a beat. My sweet man sat there patiently (actually, he really enjoyed listening to our crazy discourse) as Linda and I yacked away. You know, there are people in your life that you meet and for some reason, you feel as if you've known them all your life and Linda is one of those people. I can only guess she and I were friends in another life, but whatever the reason, we enjoyed our conversation and great food.
We spent the rest of the day going up and down the street of Nob Hill (or Snob Hill as Linda called it) enjoying the art, fun and funk. It's right by the university, so you can imagine what kind of characters the area attracted, and I'm not referring to students either!! LOL Sunday morning, we headed out to another little eatery which is down the street from the one we met Linda. Had some delicious French Toast and hubby had red enchiladas. For Mexican food, I'll eat that here at home and the fact we have access to wonderful NM chile, I don't need to venture out much. We returned home around 3 and settled in for the evening, knowing the next week, it would be full-out...it was, till the following weekend, when Vern and I struck with the grunge.
I wanted to post one of my completed coco heads. I had done all the preliminary work prior to our NM excursion, so all that was left to do was glue the little hanger in the back and the head. I have 2 more of the series to complete till I begin another body of work and who knows when I'll be up to that.
I've been having fun making these little masks and now have to update my Etsy page and get things moving. I'm even considering adding PayPal...yes, dragging me into the 21st c...kicking and screaming, but it's necessary if I want to find new homes for my stuff.
The other day, I was on blogger and read a post from one of my favorite ladies, Clementina at http://tazadechocolate.blogspot.com/ She was having a giveaway that really brought back some wonderful memories. She was giving away a molinilla for hot chocolate and a gift package of Abuelita. I really don't recall if she asked us to tell who we'd like to have a cup of chocolate, ie, someone we loved and now deceased, but I told her the story of my grandmother's dirty bird, which was a true story. If your interested, you can go to her blog and ready all the entries...there some wonderful ones too, but you know me, I always tell a good spin. Anyway, I won the whole thing and I'm just so excited about my winnings. I grew up with Abuelita and my grandmother showed me how to use the molinilla in her kitchen...great for mixing and frothing. I was surprised that Abuelita came in granulated mix form. I'm accustomed to the little, solid chocolate discs which I add to my mole, when I've made it, and red enchilada sauce...getting hungry for enchiladas now!! Anyway, here's a couple of pics from my winnings.
Well, my friends, time for me to "pack it in," as my old friend from Manchester used to say and bid you all a fair adios. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a most creative week. Peace out.
Good grief big G, I thought you had forgotten how to type. And then you go and write war and peace on your blog and I realize, I was bery, bery wrong.
I'm glad you had a good time here in 'Burque and didn't go slumming in Fanta Se but rather had fun in Snob Hill. I just enjoyed the hell outta our visit. Poor Vern, I bet his ears are still ringing from all the laughing and carrying on.
Get well so you can go see the posse and the princess. Sending some healing your way.
Your little Zoe is cute as a bird, she looks like she is laughing and doing the doe-see-doe! adorable! Love your framed work too. Hope you indeed are on your way to being well again.
I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope you are soon completely well again. Don't overdo it.
I enjoyed your tale, as always :)
Hmm! - They've made the word verification words less fuzzy and I could actually read them this time. Well, apparently not, because they are making me do it again. It's a pain in the bum!
So sorry you have been sick Georgina. I hope you get better very soon. ::sending you healing thoughts:: How fun that you and Linda got together. It's awesome. Sounds like despite being sick you have kept up your arts, your little journeys here and there and more. That's the way it should be, gotta keep moving the body. Some day I will go to Albuquerque NN. That's where my son's last home was at. Your beautiful grandchild is just that, BEAUTIFUL. What a darling baby. Good to see you and have a safe trip on your next journey. Take care. Congrats on the win.
Hey, Crazy Lady! Good to hear from you. :) Your newest addition to the family is simply adorable. Look at that smile! I almost didn't finish reading your blog I was so smitten! I'm glad you got to gab with Anne and visit with your buddy Linda. Life is good, eh? :)) REST and feel better. xoxo Pam
PS Love the mask!
Hello Miss Georgina!!
WOW!! What a whirlwind of things going on for YOU!!
I remember bronchitis, too--NO fun, and I was up hacking and coughing for a month straight, so I feel for you! Hope you have a speedy recovery and take as much rest as you want!
NEXT--CUTE grandbaby! Looks like you can eat her up! Hope you have fun with the grandies, sounds like a good time
FINALLY--I must visit, you, sounds like you have lots of things to do around you. Maybe I'll come by with the horse and wagon one day!!
Have a great weekend!!
Wow, it sounds like you had some great fun before you got sick!
I'm glad to hear that you are recovering finally.
Your grandbaby is ADORABLE!
Love her crazy bird hair! :D
Love your masks and YES you need Paypal...I really wouldn't buy anything on-line myself without it.
I'm so glad you won the giveway, sounds like it went to the perfect person!
xoxo - Cindi
Hi Georgina
I am glad you are feeling better now. Your granddaughter looks sooooo cute and pretty. Children that age are simply adorable.
Have a great week, lots of time to make your awesome art ( I love that mask) and stay healthy
Hello my dear Georgina,
I've missed you . I did change my blog due to pests that would not leave me alone and I just don't want anyone reading my blog. Anyways ai have been very sick lately and have not done much. Just had brain. Surgery and aid am home now switch my corazon taking care of me. Quid ate and enjoy little Zoe.
Hope you feel better and better! That Zoe-girl is beautiful!
And I love your mask, your art has so much passion in it!
Hey Georgina, hope you've got over that bug, sounded nasty. sometimes you just have to sit and rest.
Zoe does look gorgeous and I love your description for her hair, what baby wouldn't want birdie hair.
enjoy your holiday x Luna
Oh how I have missed you but I can see you are on the mend now. Little Zoe is a blessing and she looks like she has a mind of her own! I cannot wait to see the tutu!!! Please take care ... I am happy to have you back! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
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