Friday, February 20, 2009

Out of my Mind

Oh my, it's been a while since I've posted anything, I guess it has to do with not having much time!!! The above pic was taken a couple of weeks ago while we at a local volcano hole. We had fun shooting at the old rusted out trucks that somehow landed at the bottom of the to hear those beer was involved. Later on we headed to an area that was littered with Indian pottery shards. Picked up a few great pieces and will probably include them in some art piece. We had a blast (excuse the pun) and it was just the 4 of us and the great desert.

One incident that was particularly hilarious was when Mother Nature decided to knock on my bladder and of course, seeing how we were out in the middle of somewhere, we had to stop and take care of my little problem. Our friend decided to revisit the area were there were steers and their harems, that's an all together different story. As I made myself as comfortable as possible, avoiding snake and ant holes, I had a serious stare down with Mr. Steer! His ears pinned back, he began drooling and snorting at the same time. I don't know if he was ready to impale me against the SUV or include me as one of his "bitches." After all, I'm not exactly petite and I've been called heifer before! Well, I survived the cow incident and we headed back into the city were we ended up bowling and eating nachos and chicken wings.

I've been busy in the studio when I have the time. Since my father's death, I've spent much time with my mother, helping her out and taking her on errands. Next month I'm taking her to Phoenix for a few days to visit my sister and niece. I know she'll enjoy the road trip and seeing my sister's new house. She's also looking forward to visiting with a couple of dear friends in Tucson, just down the road from Phoenix. I know when I return, I'll be ready for a large shot of Turkey and Valium!!! Oiy Vey!

As for studio work, been getting a few things done. Made a couple of things for an exchange and have completed other items for my Etsy shop. Go take a peek at my new stuff and while your there, you might like to revisit my old stuff too!! Peace out!

1 comment:

BoneyLittleFingers said...

Georgina, Thanks for visiting my blog recently. Love the pic of you with the rifle!
I lost my Mother about 9 months ago and understand a bit of what you are feeling. My blog name - hopeintheheartofdarkness - pretty much came from this newfound tenderness.