Thursday, May 7, 2009

Steampunk Doll Tutorial

Here she is, my steampunk baby. I gave her a name, but right now it just escapes me. Well, here's the official announcement, Chaska Peacock and I are teaching this tutorial starting June 5-28. The cost of the class is $30, payable to Chaska Peacock thru PayPal or other means. I'm also including a clay head tutorial for those who haven't found their wings yet in the wonderful world of clay. If you are not a member of Creative Sparks, Chaska's group, new students will be asked to pay before she will send you the supply list. If for any reason you decide last minute, you will be able to access the list and directions in her group file.

You don't have to be proficient in clay or fabric...I learned how to sew in my Junior year of high school when I took Home Ec. (do they even teach that anymore?) and I'll tell you a little secret, I was much better during the cooking semester! So come on out, sign up and between Chaska and myself, we'll learn how to STeampunk our lives!!!

Chaska's site is: and of course you know where to find me for any question. Have a great day and peace out.


America Alcala said...

I love the doll you have made! Thanks for commenting on my page! :)

bernadette ostrozovich said...

hey sunshine! i love this baby! hope you guys get loads of fun peeps for your tutorial! i am running around in circles today. well, ok, not exactly running...sort of wobbling... have a good good good day. go play art and don't answer the phone under any circumstances! ((((hugs))))

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

She's wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I remember taking home ec too and was much better at the cooking, at least the end results were better! The doll is great :)

ladyblackness said...

your work is... bestial!

America Alcala said...

I wanted you to know I left you a surprise on my please stop by. Hope you are well.

America "Meri"

Amy Gethins Sullivan said...

~your doll is wonderbar~
~thank so much for your visits~
~i am loving browsing your blogworld~

Chicken Lips said...

She's awesome! Love that hat!

Abi said...

Wicked doll Georgina! love her! Umm, do you do Blog tutorials too?!! I can't figure out why my 'comments section' under my first blog post is so far away from the end of my text!!!
Thanks for your words of encouragement too!