Good morning, my bloggy pals. I haven't been around for a little bit because I've been hitting the carpet since early Sunday morning.
Long story short, my honey was hospitalized early Sunday morning after I dragged his rear to the ER. What's with men??? Testosterone is definitely the cause of their brain damage!! He's been sick for about 4 weeks, even though he went to see his "quack" about 3 weeks ago. He'd been coughing for at least that long, which is usual during this time of year due to the warmer weather, dust storms (had 66/hr winds here yesterday..major real estate exchange going on), but he was always tired to the point he'd come home from work and pass out on the couch before dinner....not a good thing. He had an appointment with his doc on the 23rd of Feb. and he told her how he was feeling. She gave him a prescription of steroids and sent him on his merry way. No blood work, no chest X-ray, no nothing. This is the same moron who sent him a prescription when he had the Swine flu. I told him that by law, she had to check him and then report any cases of it, as told by my physician when I went in to see him after being symptomatic of it, but she didn't want him coming into her office and spreading it to her diabetic patients.
She used to be a G.P. till she was certified or whatever, to become a diabetic specialist, but she held on to a few of her regular patients from her old G.P. days, I think in hopes that they would find someone else later since she doesn't give them the time of day nor does she treat them as she should and I mean not only medically treat them, but treats them like they're something she scraped off the bottom of her shoes. I have a friend who was sent to her by her G.P. because she developed Type 2 diabetes and she told me every time she left that woman's office, she left in tears, needless to say, she no longer sees that quack!
All last week he was so tired and weak and by the weekend, he was down and out, again, not like him. He had the shivers and shakes all day, coughing up what seemed to be his spleen and just plain sick! I kept "asking" him if he wanted to go to the ER or an emergency clinic and kept refusing me...was going to wait till Monday to call the quack. By Saturday late evening, about 11:45, I took an Advil P.M. since I hadn't slept in quite a while due to his coughing, got into bed and it was soggy!! He was breaking yet another fever and now the "sweat" had found it's way to my side of the bed and we have a king size and he was way over huddled on his side. I then got up, told him to get up and get dressed, we were going to the ER! He kept refusing and I finally told him this was not a democracy, but a dictatorship and he was to get his sorry ass out of bed and get dressed...NOW!!!! If not, I would do it for him, after all, I'm a mother and have dressed children on numerous occasions! He got up, reluctantly got dressed and we left, by now after midnight. Also, keep in mind, I have night blindness and I took an Advil P.M.!!!!!!!!
I'll shorten the story now by saying, he was seen by a real physician, who ordered the appropriate tests for his described symptoms and within 2 hours of arriving, he was sent upstairs for observation because he had a mean case of pneumonia!! After all this, his quack never came to see him, but someone on call...he told my honey he didn't know where she was but was told to take over this case! So now you know why I'm so pissed off. I spoke with his eldest son who lives in Houston. I love that guy because he so much like his dad!! He told me he didn't like that doc either and had gone to see her one time and that's all it took. We both agree the only reason he continues to see her is because he can just call up her office, describe his symptoms, and a prescription is waiting for him at our pharmacy!!
He doesn't like doctors, but who the hell does???!!! Now I love mine, he's a sweetheart and a good guy, but I still don't like taking the time to see him, but I do. My gyn-o is a nice woman, never like my old gyn-o, he was a sweetie too and always refereed to my youngest as "the baby," even though Ian hasn't been a baby for quite a while...he delivered him. He retired and passed away about 2 years ago. Anyway, I gave my sweetheart hubby a little talk about what he and his oldest had discussed and I don't know if I convinced him. The original doc released him from the hospital last night...the quack never showed up. Again, I think this speaks volumes, don't you think??? So this morning he's sleeping in, said he hadn't slept this well in a couple of nights...should have just woken him and pretended to take his blood pressure!! LOL Nah, I slept well too....had my honey lying next to me.
Now for the next round. Yesterday, I received a text from oldest grandson, almost 11 year old Sean. He asked me if I was still coming to Austin due to the fact Andria, my daughter, severely hurt her ankle and foot on Sunday and she too went to the ER thinking she had broken it. I told him that I would be there the 17th of March. He then texted me back and told me I was due to come in THIS Thursday!! So I texted my daughter since I wasn't sure if she was teaching her morning class or was on break. She called me up and told me it was THIS Thursday!! I went to my email account where my reservations are and low and behold, I'm scheduled to leave this Thursday, the 10th, not the 17th. I called my buddy who I had given her the wrong date, and explained to her what was going on and how confused I was, which is pretty much my state of mind most of the time!! She told me not to worry, it's called a Senior moment!!! LOL
So folks, I'm off to Austin this Thursday and will return the following Tuesday. I'm still in a state of "WTF," and have much to do till my departure, so if you don't see any of my comments on blogs, emails, forwards, etc., that's because Georgina is running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. I shall return next week, ready to finally join the gym, get going on my can-do dolls, set up my" Doll Town" account and just plain have more fun in my studio. I completed my shrine for the Oaxaca Street Children campaign, but more on that later.
Have a great week, stay warm, dry, cool or out of the dust, which ever your Spring climate brings. Peace out.
Georgina - what a week you've had. Sure glad your grandson contacted you about your visit LOL You pulled a real FUBAR didn't you? LOL Hope you have a great time! We expect to hear all about it when you return. Hugs!
Poor Vern....I certainly do understand being treated by quacks. Remember me the pneumonia queen??????? And as for you and your senior moment....come on now, When we make big ones we go beyond senior, or silver moments...it's called a Sparkle moment...where everything is pretty but nothing makes sense.....tee hee. love ya, give da boyz a hug and have a super time in Austin.
glad husband is O K!!!
Now, have fun on your trip!!!!
Full speed ahead!!!
That doctor is not only a QUACK of major proportions, but prescribing things over the phone??? HELLO???
She may not have shown up at the hospital due to not having privileges there---if she's *F'ed* up before, the hospital can say no-go to her.
You've got to get him in to a different Doc, whether he likes it or not, and have the records changed, The is Mizz Quack-a-doodle-doo ever prescribes anything else over the phone---she's toast because he no longer is a pt.
(just pull rank...)
I love the way you can tell a story girl :) Glad the Hubby could come home and I hope he gets his strength back soon.
You my friend, I wish you some good relaxation time:)
I hope your husband will be okay before you leave? Is he okay now? I hope so. Wow, you had a week of a lot of unpleasant events. Hope all will be okay. Take care amiga.
My dier Georgina.. I hope your love is already good of health.
is a feather that have medical bad that it only imports them the money and estatus.. happily there are still the doctors that love their patients and they treat the people with dignity and respect that deserve.
take good trip and take advantage your daughter and grandchildren.
Oh Georgina, what kind of doctor is this woman. This is criminal!!
A doctor should be more responsibil.
I hope you have some good days in Austin and I hope your hubby recovers soon.
Have a great week
We could switch your hubs for Charlie, I swear. His head could be half cut off, hanging by a bloody tendon, and he would insist he didn't need to go to the doctor.
Drives me crazy!
What also drives me crazy is that you'll arrive in Austin the day after I leave it...that's not fair!
You have been through one hell of a week my friend...thank God you took your husband to the ER...who knows what would have progressed. I am so glad your man is doing better so you better be careful to take care of yourself. Have a good time visiting but you need your rest and peace and quiet also...well maybe loud music will be beneficial :O)! I wish I could go to Austin with you...there is so much happening in this city. Imagine and Live in Peace, mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
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