Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cool Giveaway and other Stuff

Above is a pic taken the 26th before my 3 boys were picked up by their father to spend the rest of the holiday with him here in El Paso. We were just fooling around since many of the pics had been so serious...time for a goofy pic. L-R, Sean 9, Me ?, Baby Sammy 5 months, Zach 5, and Ryan, 7.

As they used to say on Monty Python, "now for something completely different." My dear blogger friend, Tristan Robin, is having a wonderful giveaway on his blog. Go over and sign up for the great stuff listed in his'll love it!!! Also, take the time to read Tristan's blog for those of you who have never visited, he's a great guy, and makes unbelievably wonderful for royalty!!

It's been a slow week for creating, I always start out with good intentions to go into the studio, but something always comes up. I think I'm avoiding my happy place and I don't know why. I already have things in the making, but for some reason, I just don't follow it up. I've had quite a few days to create, but not happening. It's not a block, got lots of ideas in my head and on the table, it's almost intimidation on my part. So weird, but I know this too shall pass. I'm not going to say I'm going in today, because I'm afraid I'll curse it, so better to just say, I'll be busy today somehow!! LOL

My grandson, Zach, is a master philosopher and he's only 5 years old. My daughter has been collecting many of his sayings for the past year and they are a hoot. His latest one, well, it wasn't acutally a saying but his answer to a challenge. My grandsons love "Build-A-Bear" and have many animals from said store. He won the grade contest, having the best grades out of the 3 boys, so off to B.A.B. for his prize. He selected the new Valentine dog and as they were printing out the adoption papers, oey vey, he decided he wanted to call it Fluffy. My daughter expressed that was a "girlie" name, yes, she said "girlie." When confronted with this, he pondered for a second then said, "Ok, mommy, I'll call him Mr. Fluffy!" Problem solved!! As they were walking out of the store, he noticed one the dogs, a black Lab, was dressed in a "girlie" outfit. He was shocked since his Lab, Buck, is a boy and told his mother that he didn't know Buck was a girl....she pondered on his reaction and then told him it was Buck's sister, Buckalina!!! Hence, the problem solvers in the family!!!

Well, going to run now and get ready as soon as the princess comes out of the room to start his day (my sweet man can be so "girlie" when it comes to getting ready). I have plans to stay busy most of the day (wink) and later make dinner...enchiladas, red and green. My mother gave me some of homemade red chile sauce and I'm making green ones with the left over tomatoes and green chile. BTW, here's a pic of my menudo, or as my friend, Tristan, calls it, stomach stew!! Was the best menudo I've ever made! Peace out.


YayaOrchid said...

Wow, that menudo does look good! Hope you get your projects done. I have been under a similar cloud, so Iknow how you feel.

Enjoy your weekend!

O H I K A said...

That soup looks really good and tasty I can smell it from here. I want some Georgina!! My mother really makes good Mondongo and mofongo. How are you darling? Thanks for visiting me.

As for the piece, she did like it but wasn't her taste for her fire place. She wants more abstract. I guess she wants it less illustrated and more fine art. I do hope she likes it. I have not heard from her yet, yikes!! well let's see.

un beso Mujer preciosa!!


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Buckalina....too funny.
I too wish we lived closer but perhaps for the citizens of NM & TX, which is really part of NM but someone on Tx side had bigger huevos..... anyway, they are lucky there is some distance between the pendeja viejas.
Your story this morning on my blog was a riot. Your poor Dad trying to get to a bad un.
Thanks for being my bestest bud, I love you darling. Linda
vert word, dessfye. I just can't do it says she and he says dessfye, maybe later baby.

GlorV1 said...

Hi Georgina. The menudo looks delicious. I haven't made any for a while. My son loved menudo and that's probably the reason I try not to make it too often. I end up crying.:( I am though, going to make it for Super Bowl. I did make some candied orange peel this morning and I kicked it up a notch with habanero. I 'm posting on it later.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Ah looks so well behaved in the photo......AHEM!!! LOL!
The menudo looks terrific; I would love to try home made. I am sure anything I buy here locally in a can is, well, inedible.
Back to my work now.....sigh....long day and quite tired. Might have to call it quits till tomorrow.
Have a good rest of the weekend dear!


yoborobo said...

Oh Georgina - that is the cutest darn picture of you and the boys. I love it! And that menudo - oh, man, pass the bowl, it looks delicious. I don't care what it's made of! LOL!! As for making stuff, I am sure you will be on a creative 'roll' here in a day or two. You're just building up steam. ;) xoxoxo Pam

Cindi Myers said...

Those little guys are just the cutest! I love the Mr. Fluffy story! You have been blessed!
I will go to Tristan's blog
and check that out and his giveaway.
I know that a lot of times I avoid creating because I have so many other things I need to do (like clean the house, laundry, sleep) but once I start then I get rolling.
Hey, that menudo DOES look good but I still can NOT get the stomach part out of my head!
Take care friend and good luck with creating!

Janine said...

That is a lovely picture of you and your gandchildren, you look all so happy.
Have a great sunday.

Tristan Robin said...

I'm going to complete ignore the "soup" - or, as I think of it, a "device created by minions of the anti-CHrist."

I just loved seeing your smiling face in that photo - you look SO completely happy and content. If I have all those kids around, can I have a smile like that?!

hmmm. On second thought, I'll stick with the ordinary smile.

Unknown said...

I am coming over for stew! I miss NM and our green chiles sooo much!!!

Deborah said...

I LOVE this picture! Your eyes sparkle...grandchildren...looking forward to that very much. **kisskiss** Deb

Deborah said...

What ARE you doing to that baby? teehee! Yes, hot hot hot summer...which is why I am posting the beautiful weather I can remember in July why I live here! **happy smiles** Deb

Anonymous said...

Your grandsons are nice!, and your menudo seems great :)
Thanks for your visits, you're really kind.
Ah, I like your Etsy shop :)
Un abrazo!!