Thursday, October 29, 2009

Looky, Looky What I've Won & Gratitude

Look at what I won at Pam's blog giveaway... I just love my little Constance Pettigrew ornie...she just brightens up my living room. Pam also sent me one of her adorable prints....again, just too adorable. Thank you Pam for everything...I'm very excited!

Lately, I've had some rather difficult decisions that will eventually be in my very near future and I just want to tell all of you how grateful I am to have such wonderful friends. I wish I could just give you all a great big hug and chocolate chip cookie!!! I've been playing with monster cookies...still have to figure out that high altitude thingy!!!! LOL Anyway, I'm so blessed to have buddies like you all. Life is good and it's been without it's trials and tribulations, but that's the way the cu-cumbers (those of you who remember "Laugh-In will remember Goldie Hawn playing the dumb blond always using one syllable "Well, that's the way the orange!).

Now onto the immediate plans, we'll be watching some spooky flicks this weekend. My sweet man ordered the last installment of "Saw" and Rob Zombie's rendition of the "Halloween" movie...he loves Rob Zombie, I on the other hand, not so much!!! LOL But hey, this guy is taking me to see the Celtic Women next to cut him some slack!! Should be a fun weekend...I loved last years Halloween, we took our little grandson out, wearing his sock monkey costume. People just couldn't get enough of him, including his grandparents!! LOL

Oh going to recommend 2 great movies I saw this past week, "Inherit the Wind," and "Milk." These are wonderful flicks and you should really rent them. "Inherit the Wind" is a movie based on the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trials. This teacher introduced Darwin's teachings into his classroom and the town went nuts. The case was tried by 2 very famous attorneys at the time, Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan. Spencer Tracy's character, Henry Drummond, is Darrow and Fredric March played the famous conservative and religious, Matthew Harrison Brady, his Bryan. Much of the trial's dialog was taken from the original court documents, so those scenes are just amazing. I held on to every word said...poetry, prose,'s all there. So go rent it.

The other is "Milk" a more recent movie about Harvey Milk, first gay assemblyman in San Francisco. Sean Penn played Harvey and did a fantastic job. As for Penn, personally I think he's a pseudo-intellectual bully, but he's a great actor. If that movie doesn't move you to go bash a few rednecks, then it's lost on you!!! LOL Only kidding about the rednecks, but it sure got my blood to a boil....great movie, go rent it!!!

Well, my friends, time to close this up and get my butt into the studio. The Chihuahuas are calling...they're cold and we still don't have are heater turned on. Winter introduced it's self to us yesterday and there was even a sprinkle of snow on our mountains...was beautiful, but the sun's out now and it's all gone...oh well, that's the way "squash!" Peace out, buddies.



Saturday, October 24, 2009

Need Important Advise

Dear Blog Buds,

Something has just recently come up and I need your advise or the advise of friends and/or family who have gone through this. Last night I received a frantic phone call from my youngest, Ian. As I have mentioned, he is a high functioning autistic and has many behavioral and physical problems related to his condition. He begged me to pick him up because he was fighting with his step-mother about breaking a rule. Now, the rule he broke was trying to sneak candy into his room. He's not allowed to eat in his room at all at his father's house. Here it's a different story...he's allowed, but has to pick up the mess, plus, we have tile in his room so the clean up is easier for all of us. I could hear the woman yelling in the background and right then, his father called me on his cell. I told Ian I was not coming to pick him up, but would talk to his father to see what the big deal was. I told him to calm down, go to his room and just take some time to cool down.

His father told me that he does this every time he breaks "her" rules, I told him I was quite aware of Ian's tantrums, duh! Of course I don't criticize the woman since it is her house and Ian has to follow the rules, anywhere! I tell him he's doing wrong by breaking the rules, regardless who's house or rules they are. Well, I did tell his father that I had spoken with my daughter not long ago and she and my older son know they will inherit Ian when their father and I can no longer care for him. I told my ex that they resent the fact that neither of us really ever did anything aggressively to prepare Ian for a job. I had something lined up when he was living with through his school district, but he decided when he turned 18, he wanted to live with his father. I was very reluctant since I knew I was the better parent and my sweet man a better step-parent. But I relinquished him to his father with hopes that his father could help him in a better field since that school district was more active in helping it's special students and their future because they were a wealthier school district and in El Paso, TX, that's not saying a whole hell of a lot.

Ok, here is where I need you advise. He told me today that his father is going to put him in a group home. I don't have a problem with that, but I've heard horror stories about these places, especially the local ones. I had a lit. prof in college who worked in the school districts at different levels of education before shifting to a university setting. When mentioning to her about my son, she said that the homes here are horrific, so I told his father this, but this was about 4 years ago. Since Ian will not leave the city, I need to do some research. I looked up those homes available here and of course they're in a crappy part of town...high crime area. I need to know what I'm looking for in a home, what kind of staff is needed to care for these individuals and how many patients per staff is a good number.

I'm sure there are many more questions I'll need to ask, but right now I'm so overwhelmed by this news, all I've done is cry in my studio...working of course!! LOL I have so much guilt that I didn't do something more for him and I'm sure his dad is feeling the same. He was in a very good program at his school while living with his dad, but the funding stopped and Ian is trained to be an assistant h.s. athletic trainer, but isn't being paid. I know his dad tried, but stuff happens, if you get my drift. Do to all kinds of laws, Ian is limited to what he can do with the athletic teams. He's not allowed to go on away games due to the heavy duty meds. he's on. It's not that he won't take them, the problem of having them around the students and they knowing he's on them could create a very serious delimma. There are other problems, but I won't go into them...not that important. My guilt stems from my gut feeling he would have been better off with me, but my sweet man assures me his dad did the best he could.

I can't help but feel this wife of his is putting the screws to him and forcing him to make some very serious decisions. She knew he had a son with problems and 2 other children when she decided to break up our marriage. I suppose she knew I would never let him go and she would be free to live out her life with his father....I don't know, it's all water under the bridge now and I have no real harsh feeling anymore, but I know she's behind it and who can't blame her. Ian is a handful and has many times behaved violently. When he was little, I could control it, but as he grew up, just his size and weight became an issue. I'm a pretty hefty size lady, but the step-mom isn't so I know she's had some scares. However, the last time he did this, my husband had to step in and hold him back from hurting me...that's been a few years now, thank God, but one just never knows when he'll blow and what will set him off.

Well, now that I have completely exposed myself to you all, if you can help, please do and if you can't, your prayers will do...yes, Anne, I have a box of St. Jude candles, so don't worry!!!! hahahaha!!!! Thanks for reading this long "blah,blah, woe is me" blog....just to knowing there are people out there that are going through this, or have or know other that are, helps. When he was an baby, I felt so alone because I didn't know what what wrong, but time changed that as did the research on his condition and others like him. Thanks and peace out.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mean Jalapeno

I think Montezuma has forgotten about me, because the other night as I had a plate of delicious homemade nachos, some time during the night this little critter crawled into my dreams, or so I thought. He was ravenous....working his way down the esophagus then into my stomach and sometime yesterday, decided to hang around in my entrails!

Here I thought I was an outstanding Mexican...could handle anything hot. Even though my parents didn't partake in such heated experiences, my grandfather did. He'd even bring his own jalapenos to my mother's when they came over for dinner...since she and my father weren't much into it. When he and my grandmother traveled to Europe on the Queen Elizabeth, back in the 50's he took his hot sauce with him....a French chef apparently got his shorts in a tangle because the waiter reported him to this poo-poo, pinched faced cook! No grandfather just told him "no speekie Francee" and continued to enjoy his steak. They traveled everywhere and he took his capsicum along with him. When in Yugoslavia, yep it was still Yugoslavia back then, my grandparents and uncle, who was traveling with them, attached themselves (yikes, they sound like parasites) to the Mexican Ambassador to Yugoslavia's diplomatic attache and company. At a reception, Marshall Tito approached my grandfather and welcomed, "Senor Embajador" to Yugoslavia. Well, I'm sure you could hear a pin drop, but my grandfather had to explain that he wasn't the ambassador when the attache quickly took ol' Tito and introduced him to the real McCoy. My grandmother said the Mexican ambassador was this little short Mexican chap with a small waxed moustache...quite insignificant looking, well, according to my grandmother. Anyway, seems Tito liked my grandfather so they hung out for a bit while my grandparents waited for their next destination. My grandfather's the one to the left with the cigarette in his mouth, right is Marshall Tito of Yugoslavia.

So How did I get into this little sidetrack...well, my granddad was one hell of a guy. He passed away in 1972, just 6 months before I was wed. He was a wonderful guy and taught me how to enjoy mangoes, exotic fruits, chiles, Russell Stover candy,( the mint patti), chiclets and told wonderful stories from their days living in Revolutionary Mexico until he and grandmother came to this country. I'm ashamed that one little tiny jalapeno was the culprit in putting down this hu-eg hulk of a woman for 12 hours, and tonight, I will attempt it again, since he never gave up, I won't either...but could someone pass the Pepto!!!! Peace out.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Most Lovely Gift

For those who are not familiar with Magaly Perez Ohika's work, well, I want to introduce her to you. She's this wonderful happy little spirit that lives in Connecticut, living happily with her beloved, her cat and a new puppy in their recently moved home.

I first met Magaly, as many of us have met, through blogs. I found her blog on someones else's and the rest is history. We've been leaving comments on each others blogs, plus corresponding via emails. This wonderful friendship has developed between this very special young woman and me. When she was going to move into her new home, I told her I'd send her a little house warming gift. She decided we'd just send each other pieces of our artwork. Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather, (and you know I'm no light weight) when I received this package yesterday and found these 2 absolutely adorable paintings. The Frida painting is called, "Frida's Charm and Wonderful Style," and the other is, "Beauty." Her work is magical, always uplifting and comforting.

If you haven't discovered her yet, please do so. You can find her at:

Etsy shop-

I can assure you, you'll love her work...if you don't, then you're a big grump!!!

Another person I want to pass along his link is Jonty, a English fellow I met some time back in one of my Yahoo groups. He makes the most "bitchen" stuff you've ever seen out of paper mache. One of the many marvelous things about Jonty, is that he shares so much of his knowledge with his readers...he has great tutorials. Check him out at
Well dear readers, I must return to the ol' idiot box to get my fix of zombie and monster flicks on the SyFy channel. Peace out.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blog Halloween Party

Well, where do I start???!?!?!? We had a wonderful little get-together last night over at our place, invited son, Lance, wife, Dana and their sons, John Michael and Hunter. But before the real goulies showed up, I want you to see what my little party table looked like before the cookies and candy disappeared...even my little critters couldn't stop the "candage!"

First pic is my little tree. I bought a regular green Christmas tree at Hobby Lobby and painted it black, using that special Krylon spray that won't melt plastic...eeewww, wouldn't that have been a mess!!!

Most of the decorations are mine, but I want to call attention to a 3 very special ornies and a dolly from other artists. The tree topper is a prize I won at made by Tracy Martinez. The little devil ornie was made by Flora Thompson at and the adorable little dolly, Dorothy, was made by Lorri at If you haven't gone to their blogs, I highly recommend it.

Hmmm, this is definitely a chocolate and peanut butter family. I didn't notice till I emptied the bags of candy and there was a plethora of Reese's peanut butter candies...even the eyeballs are chocolate and peanut butter...oh well. Now the M&M's were the regular sweet man asked me not to put out the peanut variety till everyone left!!! One of his favs. I also made those tiny cupcakes..that was fun and my Chihuahuas helped me clean up as some of the frosting fell on the kitchen see, everyone got involved!!!

Here are the little goulies, Hunter with his Halloween pencils and John Michael and Maya at his feet. Then there's Pancho Ian hamming it up for the photographer, moi of course.
Other family members participating in the fun, daughter-in-law Dana with her adorable little head band, son Lance....he don't eat no stinkin' candy!!! Senor Ian again, and my sweet man giving me his adorable smile!!

Of course, I got into the the celebration and probably a little libation too!!! LOL Wearing my t-shirt I got in Austin at this really cool store, Tesoros Trading Company, Also, just had to bite into my wax teeth. Wow, it's been years since I did that...too long!! The boys decorated their own little pumpkins and over all, everyone had a great time. Plenty of pizza, beer, wine, sodas, and of course, candy, lots and lots of candy!!!

Well, hope everyone enjoyed coming over to my little family party...this was so much fun, I think I'll do it again soon!!! Y'all come back...adios!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Another Award!!

Well, you can just tip me over with a feather. I received another great award from Pam at I just got this award last week, so I'm going to fudge this, forgive me Pam, and use my same answers from my previous blog...cutting and pasting!!

  1. I have no fear of nonpoisonous snakes.
  2. I took piano lessons from ages 7-10 and never went past the 1st grade music book. I was tired of the teacher telling me I wasn't practicing so I practiced for 3 hours every day and was expecting an A for the lesson...nah, it was the same ol' same ol', "Georgina, you're not practicing." Hence my musical days came to an abrupt end. I pretended I forgot a lesson and my mother put me in the corner for 4 hours as was sooo worth it!!!
  3. At girl scout camp I talked a girl into putting Kleenex into her bra for the dance that night. She did and as she was showing off her moves, the Kleenex fell out...still feel badly about that, but that's what she gets for being beautiful, talented and flat!
  4. Used to spit into my sister's milk when she angered me....would tell her about it after she drank it...she had a very high gagging reflex. OK, my bad, however, I did confess this to the priest every time I did it....had to pray a mess of Hail Marys and Our Fathers!!!
  5. Met my wonderful sweet man on the Internet.
  6. Got stoned with my sister on a New Years Eve a few years ago...forgot I could giggle that much!!!
  7. Returned to school in 1997 after my ex and I separated. Received my degree in 2005 in something really relevant, where jobs are a plenty, a B.A. in Art with a discipline in ceramics, "Would you like catsup with those fries?" Good ol' Liberal Arts!!! LOL
Ok, so I changed the last one but these are 7 little things that most people don't know about me or don't want to know about me. As for the 7 people I'm going to award this, well, I've run out of friends!! LOL So again, Pam, forgive me for not passing this on, but know how much I appreciate this and want all my blog friends to know that they are the absolute best! You're all winners as far as I'm concerned! Peace out.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

An Award

Was given this award from my pal, Anne at

Anne is one hell of a lady. She's not only brilliant, but very talented...her art is amazing. Please go over and check out her blog that sometimes will send you to the bathroom because your bladder can only stand so much pressure while guffawing!!! I have some wonderful blogger friends and they are truly good friends. I wish we could all get together, maybe at Bernadette's little cabin on the river in Indianapolis and seriously party down. Would recommend everyone bring extra $$ for bail!!

So I'm very honoured to not only to receive this award but honoured to give to some of my wonderful blog friends, so here's the list:

Linda from
Gloria from
Lori from
Yve from
Stef from
Pam from
Tracy from

I know there are many more of you, but I just can't think right now...the Allegra hasn't kicked in yet!! But I want to thank all these wonder people for being great friends. There are others I didn't mention since Anne and Tristan are already taken!!! Peace out.

Friday, October 9, 2009

A New Skelly

Here is my little Senorita Carmelita Concepcion Diaz de Huesos...whew!! You can go see her and her throne on my Etsy site, or if you interested and find you must have her now, just let me know in a comment on this post.

Hopefully, I can get that done right now, baring any more doggie interruptions. Seems the 4 legged kids are not getting along...must be something in the air or not in their bowls!!

Have a great weekend, all, and will have more to say later, as always!! Peace out!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Back Home Jiggety Jig

I'm back home now from my little vacae to Austin. Was great to see everyone including my little men. I was able to get acquainted with my newest little guy, Sammy. He's just adorable, but what else can Mama Crow say about him. He's put on lots of weight as a result of my daughter's vigilant breast feedings. I tried to talk into going out for a little longer and allow Michael to feed him a bottle of her own milk, but she wouldn't have's the boob only!!! shish!!! Of course, I wasn't a breast those bottles and formula. I tried, but bottom line, I didn't like it...oh well.

We all went to the Pecan Festival in downtown Austin and it was like a sauna out there. The weather had gotten warm again and the rains came, finally, however, that equals humidity, my Moriority....hate it and it hates me more! Andria kept asking me if there was something I might like to look at in the way of art but I was too busy looking at all the freaks including the famous Lesley, Austin's own homeless homosexual icon and quite a character...only in Austin!!! As we were walking along stopping at every water vendor, we spotted the guy with the snake. We watched giggly little college girls trying to impress their boyfriends or group, screaming at the last minute and refused to put Senor Snake on their shoulders. My daughter wanted the boys to feel it since they are NOT slimy to the feel. What a brave little soldier but she eventually allowed her phobia to take over and she yelled, "Get this off of me!" Snap, that's when I gave her the Kodak moment. Since I have no fear of snakes, except those of venomous variety like our local rattlers, I put him on for size. I do believe I got my 15 mins. because cameras were flashing everywhere...I'll probably show up on some poster, stating "Don't do what this idiot's doing!!!!" Or one of those many emails of with pics of stupid people!!!

I'm home now and looking forward to getting back into that studio. I haven't had the chance yet, but I'm getting there, so hope everyone has a great weekend....Falls here and it's cooled down in this desert landscape and the smell is the smell of rain here.

Remember my post about my honey taking me to the Celtic Women concert? Also, remember that I think there was an AC/DC concert in my future, well, I'm good, really gooood. Will attend the Celtic Women on a Sat. and the following evening I'll be moshing to AC/DC!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, that's the least I can do, but I'm trying to talk my stepson into going with his father...that would be a nice evening out for father and son!! Will update you on that later!! Peace out.


I want to thank Yve at for this wonderful award. I'm very honoured, but I have to come up with 7 things people don't know about me or just aren't really interested!! LOL Alright, I'll try to come up with something as I go along. Here are the seven little secrets or just inane stuff about me:

  1. I have no fear of nonpoisonous snakes...picture will follow in next blog.
  2. I took piano lessons from ages 7-10 and never went past the 1st grade music book. I was tired of the teacher telling me I wasn't practicing so I practiced for 3 hours every day and was expecting an A for the lesson...nah, it was the same ol' same ol', "Georgina, you're not practicing." Hence my musical days came to an abrupt end. I pretended I forgot a lesson and my mother put me in the corner for 4 hours as was sooo worth it!!!
  3. At girl scout camp I talked a girl into putting Kleenex into her bra for the dance that night. She did and as she was showing off her moves, the Kleenex fell out...still feel badly about that, but that's what she gets for being beautiful, talented and flat!
  4. Used to spit into my sister's milk when she angered me....would tell her about it after she drank it...she had a very high gagging reflex. OK, my bad, however, I did confess this to the priest every time I did it....had to pray a mess of Hail Marys and Our Fathers!!!
  5. Met my wonderful sweet man on the Internet.
  6. Got stoned with my sister on a New Years Eve a few years ago...forgot I could giggle that much!!!
  7. I'm an huber beaner and love it!!! My husband called me a Mexican today because I took the left over biscuits at Red Lobster. No, if I were, I'd also take the salt and pepper shakers and the Sweet n' Low....oh wait, that's my daughter!!!!
OK, that's the 7 little deadly sins and/or joys in my life...of course I have more than 7, but the rules are only 7. Now the next part of this little award is now I pass it on to seven people, so here are my seven:

  1. Flora @
  2. Anne @
  3. Tristan @
  4. Gloria @
  5. Janine @
  6. Linda
  7. Kim @