My pop died December 19, 2008 at approximately 8:30 p.m. We had just had him transferred to a specialty care hospital that afternoon. Just watching the emergency crew transferring him from one bed to another seemed to just overwhelm him. Before we left him for the evening, I gave him a kiss and told him if he didn't want to hang out here he could take off at anytime...told him his parents, brothers and golf buddies were waiting for him to go play on heaven's links. He died within an hour after we left.
I'll miss him terribly, but another generation will continue to use his silly sayings in both English and Spanish, we will continue to be $$ savvy as he taught us and will continue to love each other as always. A friend of his once told him that the biggest problem he had was loving his family too much. Don't get me wrong, we were never overindulged, but if we wanted something we had to work for it...even if it included cleaning the nasty toilets in his office!!!
Tomorrow we bury my wonderful dad and will go on with our lives without him. I will carry him in my heart and feel his warmth in my soul. When we left the hospital the second time, to view his body, the last thing I said to him was, "I love you, pop; see you in my dreams." I hope he visits soon....want to know what kind of off-coloured jokes they tell in heaven!!!! Peace out.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Well, I'm facing a major change in my life that many have faced and will as long as humans are around. My father is critically ill and I really feel he's not coming home. He's 87, a colon cancer survivor, severe diabetic, blind and riddled with arthritis. In spite of all of those conditions, he always stayed pretty perky.
My father loves his family and has done everything to help us out, when help was needed. My heart breaks to see my 86 yr. mother, still very active, in such a state of denial. Hell, I don't know how I would react if I had to go through that...after 64 years together, what else does she know? I just pray for the best, what ever that is and that's about all I can do for him now.
This is all too sad...can't type anymore. Love you, Pop!
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Doc Is Done & Gone

Well here he is, my first sculpture! I believe I mentionedit in an earlier post that a doc's wife had commisioned me to make a small sculpture for her reflecting her husband's profession. Well, here's the doc with his lovely patient, however unaware that he has his speculum in her face!!! I used polymer clay and it's not as forgiving as paper clay, but it worked. Mrs. Doc loved it and lovingly took it home. I don't know if I really want to get into this, but it sure was fun making it!
New Wreath

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Well, need to run. Have to start on that OB-GYN sculpture. Peace out.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Stuff
Ok Folks, thought I'd start posting some of my other work....have had too much Wild Turkey, so tell me what you think right now!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
The New Family Member

Meet the new member the new member of the family. My mother's right-hand gal got this one for me at a stand selling all kinds of calaveras. It's just gorgeous and intend to start collecting as many as I can. Next year, I hope I can get a big one.
I was given the opportunity to do a sculpture for this woman who contacted me through a mutual friend. Her husband is a OB-GYN and she wants a sculpture reflecting his profession. Well, when I talked to her this morning, I got all sorts of ideas, referring to my own experiences of course. She came over and saw my dolls and was sold on my sense of humour. She showed me a photo of a little sculpture a friend of her husband's had in his office, which was purchased in Puerto Rico. It was a bit graphic, but still damn funny. My sculpture will be a bit more conservative, but still will be hilarious. I'll be using coloured polymer clays and need to go to some medical supply sites to get really good pics of speculums and tables with stirrups...geddy up!!
My oldest son, Joel, left today for Austin. He's going there to pursue a spot in the graphic design world and hopes he can find something suitable...what a time to be looking for a job!! Luckily, he'll be staying with my daughter and 3 boys so she's looking forward to having a baby-sitter for the weekends!! That girl, I wonder how she got so cheekie!!! hahaha!!!
Well, going back to the studio and work on some Christmas gifts. I'll get started on the small sculpture tomorrow, but she is going to call me later as to tell me wether we need to put a baby bump on the patient or not...I voted NOT, but it's her call. Peace out.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Dia De Los Muertos 2

Need to run. Promised Ian I'd make him his pizza for lunch before I take him back to his father. Poor kid has been craving it for 2 weeks now, so better get started.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Dia De Los Muertos

Haven't written in a while and was waiting for tomorrow, so I can post pics from the party tonight. Vern went to Party World the other day and picked up a wig for my costume. I couldn't help it, I had to try it on! So here I am with my wig on that silly afternoon!! I intend to braid it for night, but it's been years since I had hair that long!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
PIF Exchange
Thought I'd post one of my mini-alters for The Day of the Dead. Luckily, I live on the border so I have access to lots of cool stuff. My mother's wonderful cleaning lady brings me things from Juarez, and this week I'm going to ask her for a couple of more sugared skulls. I wish I could go over, but there's just too much killin' going on there...the drug lords and their merry group of criminals are having a great time killing many right now, and just too many innocent people are in the wrong place at the wrong time. So far it hasn't spilled over here, but give it time.
One of the members of a Yahoo group I'm involved in started a PIF exchange and it's sounds like lots of fun, so I'm passing on the fun to you too. Here's how it works, I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this exchange. I'm not quite sure what my gift will be, maybe a little muerto doll or a piece of my silly jewelry, and I promise you will receive it by the end of the year. The only thing you have to do in return is play it forward by making the same promise on your blog, "This will be like a seed of abundance of creativity that will bloom in many wonderful works of art."
Ok, let's start playing...who will the 3 be???
Wonderful Week

Here are two of my little pumpkins I made for my Halloween display. I began painting little pumpkins a few years ago after getting the idea from one of the grocery stores that sold painted pumpkins that quite frankly, were just too ugly in my opinion. They're fun to make and really quite low maintenance. The only sad thing is that they don't last too long, so they're just a temporary little piece of the season....tear!
Had a great week and looking forward to more of it. Lunched with my good friend and her BFF...had sushi. She's having problems with her mother (her mother and I went to high school together) and my friend needed some advise. I'm her crazy older, oldest friend and she sometimes needs a little perspective and I'm just the gal to do it!! Afterward, I called my daughter and told her to thank her lucky stars she has a mother like me!!!! Don't get me wrong, her mother is a love, but she's not my mother, thank God!
Going to a Dia de los Muertos party on Saturday and I can't wait. Guess who I'm dressing up as....LA LLORONA, of course. I already bought my make-up and I have plenty of clothes for dress-up. I'm still debating if I should buy one of those stupid wigs, but my head will be covered with a shawl. Oh well, not a big problem, it's going to be fun!
This Thursday I'm having lunch with another young friend. The reason I have all these young friends is that I went back to college and graduated 3 years ago at 53, so all these youngsters were my class buddies, actually studio buddies, when attending college. Anyway, she is also very special to me because I met her when I began my studio courses in art and she had just graduated from high school starting out as a frosh. I haven't seen her since her bridal shower 3 years ago but we talk on our birthdays, we share the same birthday Feb. 1, but she's 30 years younger!! Anyway, in those 3 years, she married had a baby and now divorced. Sad thing is that the ex-husband and his mother ran off with their son and she hasn't seen the little boy in almost 2 years....very sad. She has been working with police and has a private eye on the case, but so far no sign of where that jerk is, was last seen in Albuquerque, NM, but the case went cold after that. Just keep her in your prayers and hope she will be reunited with her baby boy soon.
Well, signing off now...still have some things to say, but will leave that for another time. Peace out!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
My New Lifestyle
Here is a pic of my breakfast from this morning. Looks good, right? Well, it was if it were a friggin' sample plate. The pancakes were quite good, but the sausage reminded me of bad breath, that is, the taste of bad breath....blah!!! It's one of those veggie meat substitutes; I'd rather have eat grass!!!! The entree is called "Silver Dollar Pancakes" well they couldn't have given it a better name, the pancakes were the size of silver $$'s! An ant could starve to death on this!!
My husband and son went to a friend's house for a cookout and watch the local college football game being televised. I had to back out because my discipline just isn't where it should be and I'm afraid I'd give in...bratwurst, homemade potato salad, fresh rolls and homemade cake and pie. If that doesn't put me in a foul mood, I just don't what will!!! LOL Anyway, for now I must stay focused because I'm tired of lugging around this extra whale blubber.
Well, it's time for me to head back into the kitchen and enjoy my Jenny Craig Pot Stickers and a trough of salad.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Icon Doll
Today is a free day with nothing happening except doing some work in the studio. I'm hoping to complete a couple of bracelets for my nieces for Christmas. They'll be coming for Thanksgiving so I want to just hand over the gifts rather than ship. I'm working with Shrinky Dink and it's a whole new experience for me. I've never used the stuff, so I'm doing some experimenting. I have some great Dia de los Muertos rubber stamps and will be having fun with those today on the shrink plastic.
I started Jenny Craig on Monday and my life sucks!!! I just couldn't lose the poundage on my own and I had to take drastic action. My sister's on the Dr. Siegel cookie diet, my daughter is on some weird New Age thing (told her if she was going to have to go through colonic cleansing to at least tell them to buy her dinner!!!) and I'm doing the "spend mucho $$ on Lean Cuisines. Actually, I was on Jenny Craig back in '92-93 and it worked. I was able to keep the weight off until menopause, then the waistline, became a wasteland. No one asks me when the blessed one is due because I'm a bit mature looking for that, so it's just surmised I'm FAT!! Well, I'm back on it and hope this will be it for me.
Have you seen the fat broad section at the department stores???? OMG, the clothes are just like the skinny clothes except there's much more fabric in the making. Because of my wide hips, I was always taught never to wear horizontal lines.....EVER!!! But there they are and short skirts...mirrors, ladies, mirrors!!!!
Well, I'm off to have my Jenny blueberry muffin with 1/2 a fruit and an 8oz. glass of milk....bona ape tit!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Craft Whore
One day I was bored (a rare day) and just running through some videos on YouTube, I came across the "Craft Whore." " Well, I don't remember laughing so hard, so I've been following her videos since then. She has a group of crazy friends who perform with her equally as funny. I can't seem to find her website I book marked, but she's easy to find, just Google the "craft whore."
I've included a couple of my favorite videos on my blog, so just go down beneath the bookshelf and there you'll find her. Enjoy!!!
I've included a couple of my favorite videos on my blog, so just go down beneath the bookshelf and there you'll find her. Enjoy!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
I want to thank those of you who commented and left me your blog/websites to post. I'm hoping more of you will participate. I want everyone who visits my blog to enjoy those on the list and discover what I have discovered, what a bunch of wonderful, talented, creative people out there and awfully nice too!
Today is my anniversary...married 7 years. This is my second and I'm his 4th!! When we met, on that first date, he told me about his wives ("Ok, Henry the 8th!") and all I wanted to do was RUN!!!!! After all I was just 2 blocks from my apartment, but since he picked me up, he knew where I lived. Well, the courtship went on for 2 years...I wanted to make sure this was the one. I also had a made a promise to my son that I would stay put till he graduated from middle school. My son, Ian, is autistic and doesn't do well with huge changes, so I had 2 years to ease him in. Anyway, my husband, Vern, is the warmest, kindest, most loving man I've ever known. Sometimes I wonder what the heck I was doing with the other one for 25 years!!! LOL Oh well, he did me the favour by saying bye-bye.
So what are we going to do tonight, you wonder? Have a nice steak dinner, salad, sour cream and cheese smashed potatoes and homemade apple pie I made during the weekend. After that, watch our favorite television shows and after that....don't know!!!! hehehe!!
Well, need to run. Taking my mom out to do her grocery shopping. We can't leave my father for too long, he is no longer able to walk, so he needs some tending. Have a great Monday. Peace out.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Muerto Art & Other Stuff
kitchen shop. She asked me to make kitchen witches, but instead, I've come up with KEETCHEN CREETERS. She also asked me to make some Dia De Los Muertos art and in keeping with the integrity of the subject, kitchen, I came up with something really funny. I was watching "Bones," of course, the other night and the idea hit me like a bolt of lightening, not that I've ever been hit by a bolt of lightening, but my idea hit me like a jolt or boom! I grabbed my sketch book and began making a few thumb nail drawings. The next day the ideas began flooding in (I keep making wet related metaphors...I guess the rain and thunder outside are controlling my verbiage)!!! The doll with the red polka dotted dress is actually an old napkin I received as a set at one of my wedding showers 38 years ago. The marriage didn't last, but the napkin did and was put to a good, creative use.
So hope you like my new stuff and leave comments, please. I can take it!! Need to get back into the studio since I've got lots of time today. My husband and son went to my stepdaughters new place to move her and her family. If they stay long enough, they'll just stay and watch the Cowboys game (my husband is a die hard Cowboy's fan, but as for me, "Quite frankly my dear...). I've got most of the day or afternoon if I don't off this thing. Just me, my art and the laundry!
Day of the Dead
Muerto Art
Thought I'd publish some of the muerto art I've been creating for a friend of mine. She has a kitchen shop and asked me to make some kitchen witches and Day of the Dead art for her. I decided I didn't want to do kitchen witches since they are so passe, so I created "Keetcheen Creeters" instead. My dolls turned out great! I even used a napkin I got as a set for my bridal shower 38 years ago. The marriage didn't last but the napkin's still around, so I put it to good use.
I had to think of how I was going to make the Muerto art and keep the integrity of the subject matter, that being "kitchen." One night I was watching "Bones," of course, and it hit me like lightening, not that I've ever been hit by lightening, but it's the only analogy I could come up with that sounds like a jolt or boom!!! Any who, I grabbed my sketch book and did a few thumb nails. As I began to create, the ideas just flooded in (hmm, I guess since it's raining outside, I keep coming up with wet related metaphors)!
Well, I'm going to get off this thing and get started on my other stuff in the studio. My husband and son our at my stepdaughters new place moving her and the family in and if it gets late enough and they're still there, they'll stay to watch the Cowboy game (my husband is a die hard Cowboy's fan, as for me, well, "Quite frankly, my dear...) giving me most of the day till around 6 this evening...yea!
I had to think of how I was going to make the Muerto art and keep the integrity of the subject matter, that being "kitchen." One night I was watching "Bones," of course, and it hit me like lightening, not that I've ever been hit by lightening, but it's the only analogy I could come up with that sounds like a jolt or boom!!! Any who, I grabbed my sketch book and did a few thumb nails. As I began to create, the ideas just flooded in (hmm, I guess since it's raining outside, I keep coming up with wet related metaphors)!
Well, I'm going to get off this thing and get started on my other stuff in the studio. My husband and son our at my stepdaughters new place moving her and the family in and if it gets late enough and they're still there, they'll stay to watch the Cowboy game (my husband is a die hard Cowboy's fan, as for me, well, "Quite frankly, my dear...) giving me most of the day till around 6 this evening...yea!
Day of the Dead
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Daughter Andria (in abstencia)
Well, here I go, I'm going to break one of my most precious rules, I'm going to post pictures of my children (none of pets so far...they have to do something extraordinary for that). I had a party for my 2 boys this past weekend and if I say so myself, it was a success, of course there were only a few family members that came. It was nice to have an adult party....hadn't had one of those in a while. The food was gooood as was the desert. My older son, Joel a.k.a Mr. Happiness, asked for Banana Pudding and my youngest, Ian, asked for rice pudding. Mission accomplished even though I had to go to Municipal Court for jury duty, for class C misdomeanor (traffic court???) on Friday (was planning on getting everything done for the party then). I got there, after having to deal with downtown morning traffic, parked across the street, fed the slot $4.35, walked across the street just to be told the case had been settled! I told the guy I had just fed the slot for parking and he just grinned and said "My bad," yea, well, "My bad" this!!! Anyway, I managed to do the right thing and told this poor woman who was circling the parking lot looking for a space that she could have mine, after all, it was paid. My only request was that she in turn do something nice for a stranger.
I then called the wife of my ex-husband, the other woman, and told her I was on my way to pick up Ian. She knew of my situation concerning jury duty and I told her what happened and even quoted a little Shakespeare....whoosh, over her head!! So I pick up Ian at O-dawn:30, he's barely awake, but was glad I got him early. He didn't want to have to go with his father and stepmother to watch them get their pedicures and manicures...oh my.
Took my 86 year old mother to visit her sister, my 90 year old aunt, and they reminisced about their youth when they would visit relatives in Northern Mexico during the summers. It was fun listening to them talk about dances and old beaus. I know these little visits will be a thing of the past soon, but while I can, I'll make sure there will be many more visits for them.
Well need to run now. Was able to talk my hubby into taking me out. Wasn't that hard actually, just told him I didn't want to make dinner tonight so he was taking me out!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Finding Time
Wow, it's been quite a while since I've done anything on this blog. This reminds me of the old Simon and Garfunkel song, "Hazy Shade of Winter," to quote, "Time, time, time what's become of me...." Family has taken quite of bit of time, but that's a given in my life. I feel as if I'm spinning my wheels and going nowhere! I have much to do and very little time to do it, so what am doing on this blog complaining about my worries and woes?!!!
Time to get my butt into that studio and work, work, work till my eyeballs fall out of my head. OK, that's a bit graphic, but I really need to get going here and start working again. I also have to plan a family party for my two sons this coming weekend. My oldest, Joel, turn 32 (oiy vey) and my baby, 23 today! My daughter turned 30 the 15th, so she'll be celebrated in abstencia!! Yep, all 3 of my babies have September birthdays. So you don't have to count back, December was my fertile month!! haha!! I guess I was so busy preparing for the holidays and enjoying the holidays, I just didn't pay any attention. When they were younger, it was a very trying month. Alberston's bakering looked forward to my visits in September....I was even on their calander...LOL!
Well, need to get off here and start on some Dia de Los Muertos this time of year!!
Time to get my butt into that studio and work, work, work till my eyeballs fall out of my head. OK, that's a bit graphic, but I really need to get going here and start working again. I also have to plan a family party for my two sons this coming weekend. My oldest, Joel, turn 32 (oiy vey) and my baby, 23 today! My daughter turned 30 the 15th, so she'll be celebrated in abstencia!! Yep, all 3 of my babies have September birthdays. So you don't have to count back, December was my fertile month!! haha!! I guess I was so busy preparing for the holidays and enjoying the holidays, I just didn't pay any attention. When they were younger, it was a very trying month. Alberston's bakering looked forward to my visits in September....I was even on their calander...LOL!
Well, need to get off here and start on some Dia de Los Muertos this time of year!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Going to get to work
Lock Box Bob just reminded me it's Monday!! How dare he since I was feeling great...oh well. Today I want to get back into my studio and start working on my Halloween doll for an exchange, sketch more ideas for my icon doll challenge, finish up my Kitchen Witches my friend ordered for her store, fix my mariottete for the class I'll be teaching in a few weeks at ourlocal art museum (my 4 year old grandson got a hold of her and broke the strings...ahhhh).
Sounds over whelming doesn't it? Ok, cant' do it all today, but have to start sometime and today is it. I've been quite busy the last couple of months which has prevented me from doing my work and I so miss it. Well enough jibber jabber....have to get ready, take Mom to the grocery store, put away her groceries then back to my studio....whew! I'm pumped!!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sweet Sunday
I've upgraded my blog and trying to stay current with my posts. I spent 2 days figuring out how to add my playlist to the blog....what a hassle. Thankfully, I read the question and answer page on the playlist blog and found the answer....still, what a hassle. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the selection I've chosen and if not, just adjust your volume button on your speakers.
I've also added a picture of my "Llorona" that was made with paper mache and fabric. Luckily, I live on the TX/Mexico border(well, sort of lucky...the drug lords have wreaked havoc on Cd. Juarez across the Rio Grande and tourism is at it's lowest....duh!), so I have access to all kinds of really unusual embellishments thanks to my mother's cleaning lady who brings me all kinds of wonderful things. I like working in paper mache, paper clay, fabric, metal, beads, etc, etc., etc. I will be posting more of my mixed media work and if anyone is interested in purchasing any of my macabre creations, just drop me a line.
Anyway, back to sweet Sunday, my husband made wonderful Machaca burritos. We had fajitas last night and had plenty of flank steak left over, so he treated us to a great brunch. I made a fruit salad and I'm still full!!!
I hope all had a great weekend and looking forward to another week of fun in the art world. Thanks for tuning in and I'll be back.
I've also added a picture of my "Llorona" that was made with paper mache and fabric. Luckily, I live on the TX/Mexico border(well, sort of lucky...the drug lords have wreaked havoc on Cd. Juarez across the Rio Grande and tourism is at it's lowest....duh!), so I have access to all kinds of really unusual embellishments thanks to my mother's cleaning lady who brings me all kinds of wonderful things. I like working in paper mache, paper clay, fabric, metal, beads, etc, etc., etc. I will be posting more of my mixed media work and if anyone is interested in purchasing any of my macabre creations, just drop me a line.
Anyway, back to sweet Sunday, my husband made wonderful Machaca burritos. We had fajitas last night and had plenty of flank steak left over, so he treated us to a great brunch. I made a fruit salad and I'm still full!!!
I hope all had a great weekend and looking forward to another week of fun in the art world. Thanks for tuning in and I'll be back.
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